I'll happily give this book 4 stars.
Everyone treats these things differently and I class 4, especially in this case, as "I would recommend this one if I believed it would be a good fit".
Good fit is important with nonfiction, I think. A good fit for this book would be someone comfortable with academic language and writing, with an interest in or minor experience with the field, and with a desire to get a close-to-current pulse check on the field of study.
I appreciated the wealth of voices on the different angles of study. The citations were a massive help when I did find subjects I wanted to go into a little deeper. This makes me more open to trying others in the Oxford Handbook series if I have another research itch they cover.
Is it a comfy evening read? Nooooo. This is used as a textbook, some authors are more accessible than others, and the content is thick and heavy. But y'know, some people's thick is other folks' thicc. And I loved this. This was just what I was looking for.